Monday, July 30, 2012

Use Outdoor Citronella Candles as a Natural Mosquito Repellent.

Mosquitoes are the uninvited guests that crash many an outdoor party. Neither wishing to go inside nor be attacked by tiny predators, people continue to search for ways to deter these insect pests.

Mosquito repellents that contain Deet are, unfortunately, toxic (which is related to why they kill bugs efficiently.) The problems with toxic pesticides is that they poison people, pets, and the environment as well as bugs.

Natural bug repellent sprays and lotions, which often include citronella oil as an active ingredient, have such a strong scent that they are unpleasant to wear. The Environment Protection Agency notes that while citronella oil is non-toxic, it can cause skin irritation.

Insect repellent candles, lanterns and torches infused with natural, non-toxic bug repellents are a green option. They do not need to be applied to the skin.

Citronella Oil

Citronella oil is derived from a tropical Asian grass by the same name and is quite similar to Lemon Grass. Both grasses are credited with insect-repellent properties. Citronella Grass has bluish-green, lemony-scented leaves.

Citronella oil is the active ingredient in many natural mosquito repellents, and the most popular active ingredient in bug repellent candles. Citronella is credited with repelling mosquitoes, no-see-ums and fleas, among other insect pests.

Non-Toxic Mosquito Yard Repellents

The definition of "repellent" is simply to deter from approach, or to make go away. A product labeled as a mosquito repellent may not be claiming to injure or kill the mosquito, only to deter the mosquito from approaching.

Citronella candles, citronella torches, citronella oil lamps and lanterns all emit the characteristic citrus scent of citronella oil when burning. This scent is an insect repellent; it does not injure or kill the bugs. Instead, the scent of citronella confuses the mosquito, masks the smell of humans and animals, and interferes with the mosquito's ability to find a target to bite.

The keys to successfully repelling insect pests at an outdoor party include:

  • Using strong scented candles or torches.
  • Having enough candles to spread around the area. 
  • Have large enough candles or enough candles that they will last as long as people want to be outside.

Citronella Candles

Jar candles, also called container candles, make the best citronella candles because no wax is wasted. Instead of dripping down the candle, all of the wax remains in the container and eventually gets burned. The longer the citronella oil infused wax burns, the longer the bugs won't bite.

One large, metal bucket filled with citronella oil infused wax and three wicks may work for a small outdoor gathering. For a bigger gathering or to keep mosquitoes at bay in a large outdoor area, it is more economical to spread around votive size or tea-light citronella candles.

Instead of setting citronella candles on the outdoor picnic table, set numerous candles around the perimeter of the party. Doing this creates a "ring of protection" around people.

Candle Making

There are many levels of quality of citronella candles on the market. Those who enjoy making their own candles can best control the amount and quality of the citronella oil that goes into their bug repellent candles. When poured into decorative glass jars, these candles  add to the ambiance and decor of the backyard just as much as to the comfort of the guests.

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